Warmadewa Independent Shining (WISH) School is one of the units under Yayasan Kesejahteraan Korpri Provinsi Bali (YKKB). The school was formerly named TK Erlangga and was established over 20 years under Yayasan Sumerta Pura. For financial reasons, it was then acquired by YKKB to enable the staff and students to continue the programs on an operational basis. The school was given a new name, "PAUD Kumara Warmadewa.”
As all the units owned by YKKB are progressing toward a global standard, the idea of upgrading PAUD Kumara Warmadewa emerged. The teachers and YKKB formulated a new name together. Warmadewa Independent Shining (WISH) School is chosen as this is the new wish for everyone towards a brighter future. It is located right in front of Warmadewa University, the oldest unit of YKKB, and is expected to be an integral part of the education community.